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Orthodontic Tips and Tricks




Orthodontic emergencies are rare, but if one should occur, we’re here for you! As a general rule, call RxSmile Frisco Orthodontics during office hours (or leave a message if after hours) when you experience severe pain or when you have a painful appliance problem that you can’t take care of yourself. If something becomes loose or breaks, it’s most likely not an emergency and you can schedule an orthodontic appointment for repair.

Helpful Orthodontic Tips

  • Traumatic Injury to the Mouth and Teeth – If you experience trauma to your face or mouth CALL (972) 335-1300 right away. Dr. Greenberg & Dr. Ortiz offer 24-hour, on-call urgent care service for patients. Our emergency care answering service will contact us immediately.
  • Soreness from Braces – When you first get your braces on, and/or after an adjustment, you may feel general soreness and your teeth may be tender to biting pressures for three to five days. It is recommended that you eat soft foods such as soups, yogurt and macaroni and cheese during this time. Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help with the pain.
  • Mouth Sores or Irritation of Lips and Cheeks from Braces – With braces, you might experience a few mouth sores. The lips, cheeks, and tongue may also become irritated for one to two weeks as they toughen and become accustomed to the surface of the braces. To help alleviate some of the irritation, Dr. Greenberg will provide you with relief wax. Simply pinch off a small piece and roll it into a tiny ball. Flatten the ball and place it over the area of the braces that is causing the irritation. You will be able to eat better, talk better, and feel better just by having a little buffer between your braces and your cheek or lip. If the wax comes off and is swallowed, don’t worry, it is harmless.
  • Loose Brackets – Brackets serve as handles to hold the wire of the braces in place. Brackets are generally bonded to the teeth with adhesive. They are tough and sturdy, but if you eat hard, crunchy or sticky foods, the brackets can loosen. If you get hit in the mouth, the brackets can loosen, too. Apply a small piece of orthodontic wax to temporarily reattach loose brackets, or place wax over the bracket to provide a cushion between the bracket and your gums. Dr. Greenberg provides orthodontic wax to you when you first get braces. If your bracket falls off completely, save your bracket and call for a repair appointment. A loose bracket is not an emergency.
  • Loose Bands – These will need to be replaced or recemented into place. Save the band and call to schedule an appointment for the repair.
  • Protruding or Broken Wire – The archwire of braces fits in the horizontal slots in each bracket. The wire is secured to all of the brackets, and occasionally, simply by the act of biting and chewing, the end of a wire will work itself out and cause irritation. The best way to alleviate the discomfort is to push the wire back down. Use an eraser end of a pencil to move the wire to a less bothersome position. If you can’t move it out of the way, apply a small amount of orthodontic wax over the protruding end. Do not attempt to cut the wire because you might accidentally swallow it or inhale it into your lungs. If a mouth sore develops from the wire poking the inside of your mouth, rinse your mouth with warm salt water or an antiseptic rinse. An over-the-counter dental anesthetic can also be applied to numb the area. Make a follow-up appointment to make sure the braces are still secure and address the protruding/broken wire issue.
  • Loose Spacers – These will need to be repositioned or replaced if they slip or fall out completely. Please call during normal business hours to schedule an appointment.
  • Lost Retainers and Basic Retainer Care – For best practices, always carry and use your retainer case. If you do loose your retainer, call during normal business hours to get a replacement. Keep your retainer fresh and germ-free by brushing thoroughly with a soft-bristled toothbrush and warm water. Do not use an abrasive toothpaste, as it may scratch the retainer. Once a day, disinfect the retainer by soaking it in warm water with a mild denture cleaner, like Steraligner Cleaning Solution (available for purchase at RxSmile). Thoroughly rinse the retainer with plain water before placing it back in your mouth. Don’t expose your retainer to excess heat by washing it in very hot water. High heat can cause the retainer to warp and make it unusable.

How to reach RxSmile Frisco Orthodontics with your Braces Concerns

CALL (972) 335-1300
Hours | Mon-Thur from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
After-Hours Emergency | leave voicemail & doctor will return your call

Got braces problems? Make an Orthodontic Appointment as soon as possible!

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