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Staying on the cutting edge of orthodontic technology

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Orthodontic Training for Best Patient Care

Regardless if you need self-ligating braces or Invisalign clear aligners, you can trust that Dr. Greenberg stays on the cutting edge of orthodontic technology! Dr. Greenberg recently travelled to Nashville and Las Vegas, spending time learning the latest techniques in fixed braces and Invisalign technology, so that RxSmile Orthodontics can continue to provide the best possible treatment outcomes for our patients!

Pitts21 Comprehensive Course | Nashville, TN

The 2-day Pitts21 comprehensive training course in Nashville allowed Dr. Greenberg to learn some new techniques that OC Orthodontics and the Orthodontists that research the Pitts self-ligating bracket system utilize. They have some new wires and protocols that will allow RxSmile Orthodontics to complete cases using fixed braces (both metal and ceramic), in less time with extraordinary results. Braces treatment just keeps getting better and faster!

Invisalign Ortho Summit | Las Vegas, NV

With over 25 years in the industry, Invisalign certainly has the expertise to help orthodontic practices achieve success with their patients! The 4-day Invisalign Ortho Summit in Las Vegas focused on topics ranging from treatment outcomes using Invisalign, creating exceptional patient experiences, improving practice workflow, and the latest marketing techniques. A number of speakers also dove deep into valuable new procedures that Invisalign clear aligners can be used to correct malocclusions and create beautiful smiles without brackets.

If you are interested in starting orthodontic treatment, contact our office for a Complimentary Consultation. We’ll be happy to answer any questions regarding treatment, insurance and financing options. Call 972-335-1300 Monday through Thursday, or submit an online appointment request and we will respond within one business day.

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