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Post-op Update Message from Dr. Greenberg

Dr Greenberg is recovering from surgery

Dr. Greenberg's recovering nicely!

“Hey gang, it’s Dr. Greenberg here. I just wanted to give you a little update. A couple of weeks post-op. I just got back from my doctor’s visit. Everything seems to be going along as planned (at least as planned for them… but not so much as planned for me, it’s taken a little bit longer to recover from this bad boy!) So still just kinda taking it easy at home. I got my back brace and walking a little bit. I start PT (physical therapy) this week so that’s good news for me! I miss everybody! I can’t wait to get back into the swing and seeing everyone, and especially the staff, who are taking I’m sure, excellent care of everyone. Thank you to the whole team! I know you guys have completely stepped up without your fearless leader around, but I’m here in spirit, I promise you! I can’t wait to get back. So thanks for all the well wishes, I really appreciate it, everybody thinking about me and sending me either texts or stuff on Facebook. It definitely helps the day pass. So much appreciated and I’ll give you another update in a week or two and see how I’m doing. It’s just going to take some time, but I’ll be back! Bye!”

Dr Greenberg's post-op update!

Got questions?

If you have questions about my brief leave out of the office or care to check on my status, call the front office at (972) 335-1300. If you’re interested in starting orthodontic treatment with Invisalign clear aligners, Invisalign First aligners for kids, or our passive self-ligating braces, please submit an online appointment request for a Complimentary Consultation. My staff will be happy to answer any questions regarding treatment, insurance and financing options for the couple of weeks I’m away.

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