Showing our Hearts for the Arts!
What a successful Saturday morning! Huge thank you to everyone who came out and supported the 2020 Virtual Frisco Arts Walk and Run! “Virtual” does not mean you have to go at it alone! Turns out we were the first team this year to complete the virtual walk/run! RxSmile created the team, “RxSmile Trotters” for patients and friends to join and feel connected to the Frisco community. Dr. Greenberg drove through Hall Park and The Star in Frisco and custom mapped a 5K route before the big day. We walked the streets together, social-distancing style and wearing our masks.
Funds raised from all the walks will go towards the Frisco Arts Emergency Artist Relief fund, art grants, and youth scholarships. Frisco Arts is a non-profit arts organization supporting, promoting, and celebrating arts and culture in Frisco to build and sustain a vibrant, diverse, and strong arts community.
IT’S NOT TOO LATE!! Because this is virtual, you can complete your 5K anywhere, anytime through October 3rd! You can still sign up under the “RxSmile Trotters” team and walk/submit your own 5K or create your own team!
- Click red button above to go to the Frisco Arts race registration link
- Select Event Type:
– Virtual 5K for $25 (you pick up race packet at Frisco Running Company)
– Virtual 5K + shipping for $33 (race packet is mailed)
- Fill out information for Registrant #1 (if registering more than one person, select “Add Another Registrant” button)
- When individual registration is complete, scroll to bottom section: “Would you like to join or create a group/team?” and select YES, then Continue
- Read & accept waiver for each person, then Continue
- Select the “Join an Existing Group” box
- Dropdown or search for “RxSmile Trotters” (do this for each person registering), then Continue
- Review final registration information and Pay